Continuing with our Trojan Trends, this month we have learnt that people do a lot more than just bathe when they climb into a bath! Did you know that in a recent report by Trend Monitor (Six Things You Didn’t Know People Did In Their Bathrooms, Jan 2019) 41% of participants who regularly took baths revealed they like to read either a book, newspaper, magazine or a Kindle, 7% will watch a film or TV shows on either their phone or tablet, and 7% will listen to the radio. Unsurprisingly, 30% like to use candles or dim the lights to create the right ambience, and 1 in 5 participants said that they occasionally enjoy a glass of wine.
However, for many taking a bath is just becoming an extension of their ever-busy lives. Increasingly people are taking their phones into the bathroom with them, and not necessarily to have a chat. They are engaging in a range of online activities, with 10% checking their emails, 10% listening to music, 6% sending texts, 4% checking Facebook, 4% listening to podcasts, 4% reading news feeds, 4% watching videos, and 2% playing games. A further 2% use their smartphones in the bathroom to check their bank accounts. What did you do the last time you were in the bath because we are sure we’ve never checked our bank balance!?
On a more serious note, we were shocked to read The Centre for Ageing Better article that warns of an ‘accessible housing crisis’ that is looming. According to the research they recently commissioned with YouGov, 72% of people polled agreed that homes should be built as standard to be suitable for people of all ages and abilities. 33% said they would be encouraged to buy a property with accessible features, such as walk in baths and handrails. Amongst over-65s, nearly half (45%) personally worry about themselves struggling with everyday activities like cooking, bathing or eating in the future and almost a third (32%) worry about whether someone else in their household would struggle with the same tasks.
A survey from the Papworth Trust shows that fewer than 17% of local councils that have a housing plan include strategies to build accessible homes, with the charity describing the lack of suitable housing as a “major barrier to independent living”. Drawing on figures from across the third sector, the report shows that there are 1.8 million disabled people with unmet housing needs, 580,000 of them are of working age. Of those 1.8 million people who need an accessible property, 55% are already homeowners – therefore effectively trapped in unsuitable accommodation.
A poll by lpsos MORI revealed that half of the population would ideally want to stay in their current home, with some adaptations to enable them to live independently and this is why our Bathe Easy range of products is crucial for the future of UK housing. With walk in baths and shower baths, power traverse baths and deep soak baths, the Bathe Easy range has recently expanded to include brassware and accessories too. We are huge advocates of independent living and want to help people stay in their homes for as long as they want, without worrying about their bathing and showering needs and plan to expand Bathe Easy further in future, offering accessible price points and the advice you need to stock the correct range for your audiences.
To hear more about all Trojan Bath brands and product ranges get in touch today